Welcome to Diffpack!


Diffpack is an object oriented development framework for the solution of partial differential equations. Customers select Diffpack because it supports their need for flexibility, insight and control.

Diffpack is based on the latest developments in Object-Oriented Numerics. For customers this means unsurpassed modeling flexibility while satisfying the strictest demand for computational efficiency.

There are more then 350 Diffpack users in more than 30 countries, including major industrial enterprises, consulting companies, software vendors, research institutions and universities in such diverse areas as oil and gas, mechanical engineering, telecommunication, medicine and finance.

Selected Diffpack users

Robert Bosch GmbH, CalCom, Cambridge University, Canon, CEA, Daimler Chrysler, Furukawa, Harvard University, Intel, Mitsubishi, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation, NASA, Nestle, Nippon Steel, Shell, Siemens, Stanford University, Statoil, Thyssen Krupp Steel AG, VAI GmbH, Veritas, Veritas University, Xerox

DiffpackSE - Online Solver

Start now DiffpackSE!

The DiffpackSE (Smart Environment) is made for solving three partial differential equations (PDE) using the Diffpack libraries. It is made for customers with little or no knowledge of Diffpack and C++ programming. The appearance of the graphical user interface (GUI) is designed to build an intuitive and fast work-flow to solve custom problems.

This version of DiffpackSE can solve the Poisson-, Heat- and Wave-Equation with boundary conditions of Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin type.

For further information of the use of Diffpack and programming with Diffpack, see DiffpackSE Documentation.


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